"Asian" as a Social Construct
If "Asian" is not a race, then what does it mean when everything becomes it?
We know there is racial difference among Chinese, Japanese, and Korean; and that they all happen to share the same label as “Asian.” We also know there is racial difference among German, French, Hungarian, and so on; and we happen to call them all “white.” There is talk that there will be a singular “Asian race” in the future against the interest of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, as there is also a singular “white race” against the self-determination and preservation of German, French, Hungarian, and others. Do we use the word “Asian” as an ideological weapon to describe the benefits of belonging to one egalitarian whole? If so, this means that this singular Asian race is Eurasian in detail, and is anything but an “Asian” one because it adapts the Western influence of a liberal egalitarian term of blank slate malaise. What then, is race?
We know liberals get upset over “the white race” and continue to de-capitalize the “w” in the category of “whites.” But of course, “Black” and “Asian” are capitalized because those are people, and “whites” are not. We know this is liberal propaganda spun up by a self-hating white managerial elite that wants to rule over every single nonwhite with liberal democratic capitalism and blind individualism. It’s a projection of the European spirit and its attempt to transhumanize the world. But again, what happens when “Asians” become a universal identity? It would no longer be Chinese, Japanese, or Korean because it assumes one malaise of a single identity is good enough to function. This brings up the notion that an “Asian race” is far superior to a “white race” because white liberals allow Asians to manifest the white spirit, all while retaining the traditions and genetics of being Asian.
White liberals quietly agree Asians have better art, high intelligence, sexy women, beautiful architecture, high-trust communities, post-scarcity welfare, smart politics, and rational behavior, all align with the virtue ethics that whites cannot achieve in their pet projects of managerial paternalism and “diverse” freedom.
If “Asian” is a social construct and no longer a race, we must consider the implications that it has on a future biracial society, where every single Asian co-exists, speaks English, influences the arts, produces, and creates a new culture outside the problematic and anti-cosmopolitan nature of “whiteness.” It should be called a new trait of “Asianness,” but that won’t go into dialectics, because any association or mixing with whites will only lead to a self-hate complex of being the supposed agent of world responsibility.
Max Weber perfectly called this “gentle giant” characteristic out as being influenced by the Judeo-Christian culture of sin, where the European or Jewish person is flawed because of his existence, and like a caring father, must roleplay and emulate that of the perfect figure for everyone who is not himself. This leads to extreme levels of purity spiraling, virtue signaling, and meta-awareness that the gentle giant always takes the blame, and enjoys the flagellation as an identity politic.
This kind of condescending liberalism does not exist in Asian countries, and it goes to show that any liberal white man pursuing an Asian woman likes to show his own guilt-tripping whiteness first as a means of attraction. This can only create a weak patriarchy that does not care for his Eurasian children because he does not take responsibility for the reality of race, and outright denies the existence of it in favor of careless liberal democratic individualism. It is the Asian wife who has to make sure her Eurasian children find an identity when the white liberal husbands succumb to race-blind egalitarianism and brain-dead consumerism. Meanwhile, it is believed that the Asian man pursuing a white woman has a high standard because he has “race” on his side, making sure his Eurasian children follow a concrete tradition of being Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and so forth.
The direct cause of Eurasianism was a large portion of White-Male-Asain-Females and Asian-Male-White-Females reproducing under the influence of the cosmopolitan desire for multiculturalism and interracial propaganda. The egalitarian narrative backfired under the spell of popular Asian media, such as anime and video games. The sincere forms outed the ironic and bland. Eurasianism is exclusively the mix between white and Asian Americans, but it also applies to anti-American spaces where whites and Asians can co-exist together or become one. Eurasianism is a new subculture, people, and political paradigm that will surpass the liberal fear of “whiteness,” all while existing in both the middle class and radical spaces.
If both White-Male-Asian-Female and Asian-Male-White-Female produce Eurasian children, how are both still “Asian” by default? They simply outright deny Eurasianism for the benefit of being “Asian” in a white managerial hegemony. This denial can go so far that will lead the WMAF Euraisans to look for a new identity, and the AMWF Eurasians corrupting the Chinese, Japanese, or Korean parties with a European bloodline. Both Eurasians are on the same side and need to synthesize as one identity politic in the coming future. During this transition for Eurasianism, the concept of “Asian” as a social construct will be discussed by academics, intellects, activists, artists, and other Eurasians to challenge the race-blind nature of liberalism.
On the other hand, by being “Asian,” one admits that they belong to a new race that has Asian characteristics and nothing else. It can’t be Asian if there are also “Black,” “Mexican,” or “Indian” traits in the mix, as Asian must be the priority before everything else. There can be Afro-Asians or Mexi-Asians, but they belong in their category and are byproducts of the world Eurasianism produced by elite WMAFs and AMWFs. Any mix of Asian is still “Asian.” This forces an ultimate racial identity.
What then are white nationalists and the white race? There are admixture European people, who are mixed with many different types of European people, and then there are Germans, French, Hungarians, and so forth, who remain loyal to their ethnic group. There are liberal “ethnic nationalists” who believe it is the duty of anyone who is white to keep white-related countries “white.” What is “white” is up for grabs. A majority of white nationalists fight for their preservation to accept people who are of white racial character, while some white nationalists mean “many nationalisms,” and that it is in the charity and duty to protect Hungarian or Russian people as their people, even though they despise admixture European people.
This logic can apply to Asian nationalists and their need to protect the nations of Singapore, Thailand, North Korea, and so on. Even though North Koreans may despise those in the South, ethnic liberalism should follow that a so-called Asian nationalist must protect the interest of all Asian peoples, even those who are mixed. The logical conclusion is a worldwide Eurasianism that is veneered under the liberal pretense they are saving “Asian peoples,” when it is creating a new hybrid bloodline between two (and many) different races of white and Asian.
If the perfected soul belongs to one destiny, like “saving the white race” or “saving the Asian race,” isn’t this “Aryan” by design? “Aryan” could refer to the Indo-Aryan people of the beginning of human civilization, but also as the idealized and perfected emulation of the superhuman. What was once mocked and hated by liberals as “white supremacy” changes its definition by becoming “Asian supremacy,” as consented, duped, and advocated by the very liberals who hate themselves. White liberals always wanted Aryan idealism, but it wasn’t supposed to be anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-liberal, German, or any manifestation of the Axis party. The perfected man is not Jesus Christ, but a cartooney, anime-realist escapism against a world of blind egalitarianism.
A new compound, “Asian-Aryanism,” is invented. The endgame for ethnic nationalists, who rattle on about the coming libertarian “ethnostates” and privatized property for each race, is the creation of many multi-polarized borders for every single genetic variation of a human, like copying the Galápagos Islands, which would supposedly create world peace. No wonder why white nationalists are not taken seriously, because the logic must accept and tolerate other “nationalists” that want a divorce. This divorce is neverending, and white nationalism can only be discussed on the topic of white Americans being displaced and being mad about it, and not of any future consequence.
It's quite bizarre that a political party would argue the point, "We hate nonwhites," and then expect a majority vote that would exclude a good portion of everyone who isn’t white on that whole. White nationalists always assume the nonwhite group is a minority because if it were a majority, the party would be vetoed. No one in their right mind can work in politics and expect a political party to be voted in because everyone should agree they don’t like the color blue. If an Asian-Aryan party came in and also argued, “We hate non-Eurasians,” would the Asian party and the white party veto them too? There are limits to the racial self.
An “Asian” cultural paradigm means that it is past Francis Fukuyama’s concept of “the end of history,” because liberals no longer see themselves as individuals, and incorporate a mixed Asian identity as a biological right. Asian preference and discrimination are a priority over idealized blind justice or utopian egalitarianism. Again, this “Asian” identity in question is Eurasian, and white liberals will continue to look the other way until a Eurasian party demands power over them. It is safe to say there is an unconscious motivation between both white and Asian parties to want an Asian-Aryan society where civilization progresses into a hybrid mix between the two, and the “Aryan” man is genetically Eurasian.
If Asian is a race, it will fight for the Asian-Aryan paradox, whether it likes it or not. It’s impossible to avoid. When the white managerial class conquers and controls Japan as a part of its G7 colonization and tries to transform Japanese people into “the good Asians,” they also bend towards an Asian-Aryan complex of Japanese-Eurasian hegemony against all subhuman whites and wrong Asians. At an alarming rate, anime, video games, hentai, and everything that is Japanese, become the beauty standard in the arts, and how European women should look. European beauty of the past becomes a fuddy-duddy subjective experience of arousal, while a hybrid “Asian” attraction becomes universal. It is quite common for a white American man to project his anime girl fantasy on his Chinese girlfriend because he envies the eclectic Asian-Aryan beauty standard.
The Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Asian groups must advocate their beauty standard against each other. The beauty of a Korean woman is different from a Japanese woman, yet both are “Asian” in the eyes of the liberal. If G7 rules the liberal democratic order, they will demand that the hentai-realist Japanese woman sets the standard of Asian beauty. Quite ironic, as South Korea excels in global trade, it will sabotage the Japanese woman in favor of a long-leg, bubbly cheek, wide-forehead Korean beauty standard as “Asian” for the rest of the world. Only time will tell how the two will synthesize into one.
What is “Asian” is a mix of many influences against liberalism. As the system tries to coopt its resistance, it introduces critical theory neologisms into the diatribe. What is “suicidal” is related to Georges Bataille and the destruction found in accelerationism, and what is “promiscuous” represents Paul Virilio’s concept of “dromology,” as citizens are constantly being whored and penetrated as the norm under liberal production.
The Asian American undergraduate is confused about her identity, as she is ironically allowed to be anything she wants, and yet is committed to a “multicultural” market as being the sincere “Asian” avatar. She is promiscuous because her whitesexuality is denied, and it is violently expressed through her persona and her influence as a figurehead liberal. She is also suicidal because she is not allowed a Eurasian identity, and hated because she speaks English and desires the self-hating white person. The semantics trap her in a reality where she can only be suicidal, Asian, and promiscuous. She is a bleak nihilist, a proud race realist, yet a sexual object and unconscious slave for a white managerial class that desires a hypocritical Asian-Aryan model.
The “Suicidal,” “Asian,” and “Promiscuous” are words that best describe the current society we live under. The Malthusian elite can only accelerate society to a state of Ragnarök, where the Earth shall endear an endless winter for all eternity. This could very well be expressed in the evil and decadent attitudes of a “solar anus,” where the sun stops shining light, and a new culture will arise out of anger and revenge. In its early stages, it is expressed through subcultures, political crime, hedonism, and liberal hypocrisy. These behaviors all share a sense of the “suicidal,” where the Eurasian man or woman feels he or she is hopeless, but regains a new sense of strength when he or she becomes the new punk rocker or punk chick against the state. The character of being “Asian” is the only thing that matters in a world of inauthenticity and lies.
If “Asian” is a social construction, the “suicidal” and “promiscuous” are also constructs as well. We all become victims of this new race towards Asian-Aryanism. The good news, however, is that Asian-Aryanism can only exist as a model than a state of mind. Once Eurasian Futurism (or blunt anime-realism) is reached, virtue ethics realign and liberalism breaks down.
We must consider how Eurasianism will influence subculture. “AxA” may take a cue from a right-leaning Asian-Aryanism, but could also be the left-leaning Asian Aesthetics movement, manifested before in straight-edge culture, hardcore punk, and power electronics. AxA is a youth movement, ages 18-29, that seeks agitation and destruction in spaces of liberal influences that deny their Eurasian identity. China will rule over the West, and white people will be in denial of the transition. Future Leftism will care only about the transhumanist push to make anime real, while future Rightism will contemplate the Eurasian tradition and how anime is constructed as a spiritual conquest of the stars. All popular art in the future will be anime-influenced to some degree. The problem is those who deny the current program of Eurasianism that is happening now.
“Communism” is merely a state of post-scarcity, and when that post-scarcity is reached, could someone say we are living under “communism.” And yet the greatest irony is when communism is openly tried and advocated, the post-scarcity state is always far away. Asian-Aryanism advocates all forms of the good life, and with struggle comes utopian dreams. The anti-communist cries that communism can never be achieved, and so does the anti-Asian-Aryan, who denies the objective, accelerating movement towards Eurasianism. Eurasianism is a reaction against the downfall of liberal democratic capitalism and Judeo-Christian managerialism. Asian-Aryanism is neither good nor evil, as it is rather a condition. It is only righteous and good if a majority of people acknowledge Eurasianism as a foreseeable force against liberalism. It won’t be called “Asian-Aryanism,” but whatever form it takes, we all know it is Asian-Aryanism.
Instead of thinking of “Asian” as a race, realize it is an umbrella term for Eurasianism, as an Asian hegemony would be the first step toward the realization of the anime society. What is a “white” society ends up being called “middle class” rather than of race. By thinking in terms of social construction, it can allow a subversive cultural invasion of anti-liberalism.
We are struggling now because the semantics stop us from resisting. The romance of the suicidal, Asian, and promiscuous person helps us unlock the truth behind desire. Those traits are beautiful because we are those things. If we can acknowledge our existence, we can foresee the future of the Eurasian people and their creation for a better art movement.
…The next article you should read is “Lombardi Webs, Rhizomes, & Association Fallacy.” Please click on this link to read it.