I’m gonna keep this one short.
The internet exposes the public to radical subcultures and media. I have been on my binge recently with vintage internet hate site trauma and vintage NAMBLA aesthetics & pedophilia. And through my research, I have discovered Carlos Whitlock Porter, and his website that takes the cake.
It’s hard to pinpoint his internet presence, as he’s known for making multiple websites that have this Geocities-like quality to them. It’s also a concern that he might have schizophrenia, as he’s known for rambling and writing nonsense.
His website is mirrored multiple times. Every variant of it has a special aesthetic to it and possesses an extreme, shock-jock transgressive quality.
Porter knows Nick Bougas, and has published his “A. Wyatt Mann” cartoons through his own edited collection, “Satires.”
You can see where Jim Goad gets his kicks from.
For some odd reason, Porter thought it was okay to create a webpage of dead fetuses and bodies to make the point about “The Jews” or something. Very gory stuff.
NSFW, the page can be viewed here at this link.
Porter screams the punk rock transgression of creating a dead body collage and silk screen art straight out of the Search & Destroy punk store in the East Village.
But even more concerning is Porter’s wild obsession with white nationalist John de Nugent. Porter argues that he is some kind of plant. I agree, something is very unhinged about Nugent, as I had my bout with him in the past.
However, Porter’s page on Nugent being a “con artist” and “lunatic” is a fine piece of internet art on its own, just like Frithjof Arngren’s shopping website of the same name.
Did I also mention Porter also has multiple art pages on Nugent? This one is one of my favorites. It’s incredibly simplistic and wildly effective. Everything from the irregular font size, the bizarre pictures, and the horrible indenting, Porter is creating internet zine art without knowing his true potential.
Every link leads somewhere else. From private documents to fringe rants, Porter’s digital letters and power electronics zine art speak for themselves.
I don’t have much to elaborate on, considering Porter’s art goes back to my thesis on post-traumatic internet art. This article only bolsters my argument that the far-right is related to the subcultural outsider.
Take a look at some of his links, and you be the judge yourself whether he’s punk or not. Because this isn’t about “holocaust revisionism” anymore at this point.