This is an audio transcription of an improvision recorded on May 30th, 2022.
…You know what's hilarious? The whole “fetish” word liberals and normies swear by as an insult, just like the word, “racist” to shoot down their opposition. They call it a form of “irrational” behavior, hence an enemy of their ideology.
“Preference” is the new word liberals are throwing out there to say, “Well, I prefer this kind of gal or guy. …But you know, that's just a preference.” “Preference,” of course, is rational.
See, like the cowardly nature of white liberal women, they always get away from any mean accusation, because they realize they can't escape the advent of their own female sexuality. And so when they say, “I prefer Chad; a man with muscles, blonde hair, blue eyes. …And oh, that's not a fetish, by the way!” You're not objectifying it, and then screaming that desire while playing discrimination to get it. Oh, now that's just a preference! Right?
As another example, If a man would say, “I have a preference. I like goth girls.” Well, first, they belong to the same race. You know, goth girls are white. So they could also get with a black goth girl of any type, of a Deleuze-type of intersectionality that would happen to get their conditions met. Would you still choose a goth girl, even though she was of a different race? And if so, was that the original preference they had in mind? Simply just wear a special party hat to put on? Or is it that they want a white goth girl over the black, and the subculture rhetoric is indeed, the irrational “fetish” they claim to be against? A veneer, if you will.
And now consider this, that you go to bed at night and say, “I have a preference!” That's okay. “And that's cool,” they say. But when you supposedly discriminate and say, “You know, I come from a Jewish background, and I want to Jewish woman. I don't want anything else,” oh, now that's a fetish because you're objectifying the desire and making the assumption of the desire, which is ironically controlled by individualistic liberal whims! And supposedly that's unhealthy to choose a Jewish woman over everyone, because having too much desire and discriminatory sex shames you, exactly like in so-called pornography addiction. It’s the idea that you masturbate to porn all the time, (and because liberals are asexual people) they ironically advocate Cardi B and open positive sexuality as a form of social control anyway. They don't like it when men are open about their desires!
So we have three words here. Preference, fetish, and desire.
First, everyone has desires. Freud even studied about desire, Lacan knows that we have desires. But then a “preference” is just a politically correct word to say something that's soft and non-harming and doesn't offend anyone. …But a desire offends!
…I guess a fetish means a fixated desire or at least a desire that we must have. And I guess in the supposed “evil” (“that which causes pain”), I guess a fetish is painful because it causes pain, even though there are tons of sadomasochistic there and people like zoosadists that like have sex with their animals and beat them up. Nobody's calling that a fetish! They have the “Zooier Than Thou” podcast to make sure they're accepted by the gay community as merely a preference. Right?
And so when you're the white guy, who doesn't do drugs, who’s athletic, strong, religious, you have your Master’s degree, even if you do the right thing, never cusses, and all that. And then say, you go on dating apps like Hinge, or you go on OkCupid, and you're like, “I think I want an Asian wife. I think I want a Chinese gal because that's solely my subculture.” That is, if you're open about that little point, that's considered a fetish!
In return, you must accept the tardy fucking gentrified haircut white woman from Bushwick Brooklyn, who's in college debt, and you must accept that tattooed bitch, and you must accept that black woman who calls herself promiscuous. All these totally irrelevant subcultures that when liberalism cuts off your legs, you're equal, like everyone else.
And here's another thought experiment:
Imagine you're a white kid, and you grow up and live in Kentucky. You're like 18, and you go to high school, and you learn Japanese on your own. You love anime and hentai, and you love video games. The first time you masturbated was to hentai, and you like Japanese Pornhub. And all of that is completely healthy and normal stuff! And you know, you just don't like the white girls who bully you. You realize there's a connection that they all want to be animated anime girls and/or Asian. So you develop the blue pill concept that, “Oh, I love Japan. I want to go and teach and move to Japan.” And then the kid, you know, he does the JET Programme, and by the time he gets in his 20s, instead of going to college, he's going to be teaching in Japan, or doing military duty there. Now when he's open on Twitter (think Ryan Dawson), he's all about that “passport bro” Japanese-white boy life. Then all of a sudden, they say, “Oh, great. Another white boy gentrifying up Japan." “Another white boy, colonizing Japan.” Right?
You know, there's a form of self-projection going on, because it's usually that liberal living in Japan with his own Japanese wife, trying to make everyone anti-racist or into punk music or something like that. “I'm trying to whitewash everybody.” But again, you use this new conundrum. The white boy who's into Japanese studies is trying to get away from his bumpkin, lower-class farmer culture in Kentucky out in Bowling Green, and here, his life in Japan is going to be rich enough in Osaka, where beautiful Japanese women escort him, he lives in an educated High IQ society, and there is no fucking country music in Japan, and they have their radical new electronic music. Different fashion styles, all give a sense of logical being and peace of mind to the Kentucky boy. When he runs away from that toxic relationship in America, the state tells him, “You should hate yourself for being white. You should hate yourself for sexually seeking out women of different races. You belong here. You belong in Kentucky!”
Imagine if you were a hunter in the forest, and he was looking to discriminate between shooting possums or deer. He needs the venison meat tonight. And possums don't offer venison. Different types of animals have low-quality meat that won't feed a family. So the hunter must discriminate to kill a deer.
Well, go to any nightclub in New York City, or Los Angeles. People naturally discriminate in a nightclub. There are drug dealers, there are swingers, and there are depraved and decadent people. These are all individuals who work in cushy white-collar jobs that also enforced the Black Lives Matter narrative, flying Ukrainian flags outside their houses. All that! And here they are acting like decadent characters from a Hubert Selby, Jr. novel, in a seedy club, and they're looking for someone to have sex with! They're discriminating to find someone, or they're trying to find a drug dealer! That discrimination attitude is what segregates intelligent people from lower IQ people!
The concept that you have apartheid in South Africa isn't so much constructed by evil, mean, admixture European people, that did some “evil genocide thing to me.” They just acknowledged race is real, and that there should be a difference. “I want Rhodesia, you want that place.” And then they say, “Well, you colonized, the game isn't rigged.” Well, when two groups of opposing people are in the same room, people just feel comfortable in their own identity politics. And so people naturally discriminate to find what they like and separate.
Add the dating listing, “nerdy white guy with the bodacious black girl into hip hop,” and then there is another nerdy white guy who is looking for someone into indie rock or whatever, but he'll be pretty much okay with the black girl into Beach House and anime because that can fulfill his white desires anyway. But still, he's going to probably gravitate to someone who has a particular upbringing than his, then simply just a rhizomatic colorful mess that happens. And just like that under liberalism, we have to be blind and just choose and treat each other as human beings individuals, or something silly like that.
Ever read The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray? The Bell Curve argues there is “a cognitive elite.” The cognitive elite goes against low-IQ people and uses capital under the capitalist system to make sure that their jobs promote values according to the cognitive elite. So that's why you have your San Francisco's and Manhattan's to carve out spaces for things wealthy people like to do. Cognitive elite shop at Trader Joe's, against whatever, from, say, a Kroger's, or like a Food Lion. There's a difference in how big your paycheck is. And so the bigger the capital, the more resources you get that as accordance with the good life. And so in The Bell Curve, the argument remains the same where that subculture, not just a group of high IQ people, …the subculture of high IQ people, correlates to a discriminatory subculture to make sure values are always in accordance of the good life, the good living, in a fairy tale land.
And this is where they get their egalitarian thesis from! It's because they live in an ivory tower and they project it onto everyone else! And it's “socialism for me, but not for you.” And so, people, these wealthy people, enjoy reading books over then say watching TV, this is the classic Paul Fussell observation in his work, Class.
Now, according to intelligence, intelligent people are self-aware and self-actualized about everything around them. They know who they are. Liberals love to say that gay people are smart, or “queer people” like to be smart because they use their identity politics and subculture to get ideas across against the plebes out in Kentucky who don't understand. Well, if you're a smart young white man with a high IQ, and you've done nothing wrong, and you know what you want, sexually bringing the difference between you as an adult, and you as a kid, and you prefer the preference of Asian women, let it be. Why is there a liberal tyranny against you for pursuing so?
And this is pretty much why I do what I do, simply because it isn’t so much a glitch in the liberal thinking of fellow whites. It's obnoxious that the bad guys are an admixture of European people enforcing liberalism, which Kevin MacDonald argued, It might even be that, so liberalism is a trait of admixture European people sadly, or it just might be a mind virus you only find in America! The point in being is that egalitarianism is bad, liberalism is cancer, and it boils down to being about you. And this isn't a libertarian argument, but you cannot successfully have desires, and still be open about them and create an identity politic around them, even though the art world celebrates unique and fascinating subcultures, so as long as it subscribes to the neoliberal hegemony! So as long as it’s liberal in general!
And it's so ass-backwards, you know, for just being one little thing and saying, the discriminating line, “I prefer Asian women. That's what I want. This is what I go with. This is how I see my future.” There's just something wrong with that, because you announced you're an enemy against the states, and you've announced that you have an identity politics that doesn't subscribe to what's happening, and you thus become an enemy of white people! (Supposedly).
There was an academic named Robert Wolff, and I think he was an anarchist writer who wrote a book called, “Confessions of an Ex-White Man,” which uses the word “white,” to let us know he's outside of the bourgeois behavior of admixture of European people. And I guess that means he's cool with blacks and cool with Asians and Mexicans and Indians, or whatever, I don't know. But if they use that kind of word of “whiteness” to study language, and use it against themselves as “white” people. Oh, that's the wrong way! Again, I'm putting only the loopholes and liberal thought contradictions here.
And think about what if you're mixed? What if you're like quarter Asian, half Asian, or just small, 25% Asian or 25% Native American, and you grew up in that kind of environment? And you say you by blood, of course, even by “the One Drop” ideal that you're partially Jewish means you should keep being Jewish, right? And therefore, you should, if you're part Indian, or quarter, or a dime Indian, “you should seek out an Indian woman.” It's ridiculous! Why should you? This dumb logic cannot be applied to the work of admixture European people, they have their veneer here, and there's a blind spot.
I agree that my subculture, my healthy straight-edge subculture, is hostile to the state. Therefore I announced myself as an open Asiansexual to tease and hurt the opponents. Because the opponent is ass-backwards! And most Zoomer white kids are ass-backwards from the ages of 18 to 23. And they think they're fucking women! They think they're trans or something! They think they're in a uniform. That's just how depraved and decadent are. Because if you use that logic, and say, “You know, I'm a man, but I'm a woman. It's like desire.” How is that not a “fetish” to use their language? Oh, that's just a preference! “You have to respect my liberal preferences and my liberal transhumanist pronouns of sorts!”
We're entering new levels of goofiness, where if you're in the Star Trek Borg, and you act like the manners of the Borg, the Borg will eliminate you. And you are outside the Borg, as your own Max Stirner’s egoist philosophy, and you're pointing out all these crude things. And you know what is beautiful, you know what beauty is, “I prefer this subculture of Atari Teenage Riot and Asiansexuality!”
So, again, maybe I'm going back to a libertarian thing, …but it's not libertarianism. It's just like, you either respect the subculture, or you don't accept my art. The problem is, I hate liberals, and liberals have an illogical method of thinking, I'm here to make art, and I'm here to enlighten you about my preference. “This is what I like, this is my theme.” If you don't get it, you don’t like my art, and don't let the doors hit your ass on the way out!
And to say that fixation, any fixation of being a nerd, of being obsessive, is a “fetish.” Some people say they have a “gear fetish” (The Carsexual man) that they're obsessed with parts in a car. That is something like having an “okay kind of fetish.” That's okay as a hobby, as a material fetish. That's okay. You know, to not offend Timothy Morton object-oriented ontology-wise, but the thing is, I'm joking. They're thinking of it as another person, “Oh, that's a fetish!” Whatever that means.
Fixation is how you're devoted to an art and what you're thinking constantly. If somebody's thinking about race all the time, that every race has a fetish, do they have a war fetish? What is that and if you're openly gay or homosexual, don't you have a man fetish you keep thinking of penis and balls and man's ass’s all the time? And then out of politics, 50 to 60 years ago, they took homosexuality out of the list of disorders because, “Oh, that's just what men intelligent white western men, do. They have a form of Platonism. And they just have a fixated desire for the man.” It's not like they read, you know, Joseph Sciambra Disordered about his upbringing of an ex-gay in San Francisco, and they discovered that. So how come homosexuality gets this special leeway? I don't understand.
So you could make the argument and say Asiansexuality is homosexuality because there's a fixation and love of this kind of St. Sebastian figure of sorts. You know, the word “fetish” is ultimately punk rock, because it's ultimately going against the liberal authorities here. And that's, they're treating you like a fucking monster. And that liberalism plays a game on you have other white people. It's this game where, like Cosmic Encounter, everybody's playing cards, and the liberals are playing fair by playing the rules, but the people outside of liberalism can, you know, have the power to see what cards they're going to play in advance (The Mind Alien). And that's the issue there too. It's, it's like this veneer or facade, so they won't question bigger things. It's they're role-playing like Plato or Socrates or Shakespeare this like, mentally ill Harold Bloom disorder of sorts.
Finally, there's guilt by association. By using certain words, as Philip K. Dick would say, “you thus control the language.” If I like peculiar types of bands and peculiar types of art movements, therefore, my guilt by association makes me equivalent to another associate. And this is where liberals go nuts because liberals have to treat everyone the same. But if that guy likes Insane Clown Posse, we're probably going to know he's a juggalo. Right? And I make this very clear, I make up my own words, my semantics because I don't like using other existing boards out there. After all, it already has an ideological premise to them, as Philip K. Dick mentioned.
And so when I say “Asiansexuality,” they're drawing pictures in their head, right? And the picture in their head is probably like, an obsessive middle-class Kentucky white kid with like, who goes to the cosplay events, and he's completely nerdy. And they have this image of the hated Quasimodo of sorts, which is so ridiculous and bad music. But you know, tell it to the intelligent, you know, hipster white kid who's going to NYU and he lives in Bushwick with his Chinese girlfriend! “Oh, it's okay. He's in the Cibo Matto guys. It's okay. He knows a little bit about the history of indie video games!” That's more eccentric. You know, what about the dude who did Undertale and his Asian girlfriend? Okay, nobody's questioning that? It's so fucking ridiculous. It is a class divide and ideological use of the words that you say.
René Girard, a French philosopher, talks about envy, talks about emulation. We are mimicking one another. We're not like the liberals we think we are we are animals. We mimic the popular kid we become envious. The good life mimics the life of Jesus, long story short. And Dick Hebdige says that subculture other than culture is the inauthentic mode. Thus we cannot go more in the grasp of understanding of Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre would say, “Oh, just embrace subculture. If you think you're a woman, then that's authenticity!” And that is a bastard version of the individual anarchist Foucault-type of thinking, that pretty much has ruined the ideal of what postmodernity is, this kind of bourgeoisie white people thought, and I'm an artist against that.
I know what beauty is. I love anime. I love hentai. Those are all beautiful art forms that also have the ideological motivation of telling the viewer to live the good life. And if you know what the good life is, you'd understand that has an origin in Japanese culture how the Japanese fantasy plays out, and how we all woo, we all woo to be like that. If Elon Musk's wife, or whatever, Grimes, has anime avatars on her Twitter, she is an oligarch telling everybody else that anime and hentai are indeed the good life and in art direction. So a kid is much healthier masturbating to hentai than he ever would watching street pornography you find on PornHub or Xvideos. Because hentai gives us the image of the good life. The anime obsession draws us to a better reality that is Eurasian futurism, which is anime realism, is a beautiful art direction. Everybody is happy and less harmonious and we don't have to live with disgusting brown people, or, African civilization destroying the city-building tendency outside. And everybody knows that! And it's the death of the white bourgeoisie culture that continues to oppress us by mind games, as Jean Baudrillard would say that social control now is something to do with what the bourgeois police state neighbor is looking at you and trying to control your thoughts because you can't say “nigga.”
Meanwhile, we have people like Black Pigeon Speaks and Radical Reviewer, where we know Black Pigeon Speaks lives in Japan with his Japanese wife. But we don't know if Radical Reviewer lives in Japan and has a Japanese wife, but we kind of know. We kind of know that it's happening. Two opposing white people voices. One from Canada, one from the states. One is right wing, one is left wing. But both are the same. Both live in Japan and both have an Asian wife, both will have children, Eurasian children, that will change the geopolitical sphere of the future! They are politically correct Asiansexuals.
That's more akin to the four-star movie, Big Hero 6, of a future Tokyo, San Francisco, the new Eurasian bourgeois class, where the definition of “whiteness” really just means Japanese-Eurasian! What does that even mean now? Why is nobody three steps ahead questioning that? And if you do, while the white nihilists and liberals will go mad, and yet they're the ones promoting homosexuality? They're the drug dealers! They're the alcoholics! There you are the dysfunctional group, and yet they don't like it when the clean-cut straight-edge kid race mixes with an Asian, (and especially with the racial nationalist crowd) which is considered racist and evil!
And as I use the word facetiously, how is this not “Asian Aryan?” As the liberals like to translate it means “a master race” and also going back, unironically, the Indo-Aryan people have the ideal person. There is an ideal Asian Aryan individual. Asian Aryanism is real to use the word facetiously or not. It is the end game of the Eurasian people, eliminating bad whites through dysgenic, and if they know eugenics is real, they are eliminating the white working class was making "the frogs are gay, putting them with estrogen, all that fun stuff, and just making sure they are annihilated in West Virginia, and meanwhile, all admixture Eurasian European people are congregated in Manhattan and San Francisco and LA, and they continue to go to art school and continue to mock and mimic, and make sure that they only get a six-figure job by supporting the Joe Biden-voting Boomer elite.
It is happening right in front of us and anybody denying or getting shocked over the superficial notion of Asian Aryanism simply does not read or does not wish to question their reality.
And it's funny too, because the very people who censor you are the people who go in denial or get their feelings hurt when you tell them the truth. When you say that there are crony YouTube stars out there playing the capitalist game of making money don't know what they're talking about. And you make one criticism remark, they want to shut you up. They want to censor you. Hilarious, right? And they talk about big censorship all the time when it's the very white nationalist and reactionary sphere, censoring and spiral fighting against each other because they don't want to hear that. Richard Spencer snorts coke, that Dr. Gregorgy Robert Johnson is a homosexual, and that Matthew Heimbach is a wife beater. They don't want to hear that! They want to hear an idealistic message!
And then meanwhile, the mainstream media paints them as enemies of the state, and they deserve it! Because they are so dumb, they don't even question what's happening in the group. And now we're seeing this in the so-called left “Breadtube” sphere with all these whack jobs, and only people like Caleb Maupin are pointing them out and saying that that's not true communist, Marxist Leninist communism thought.
And we're reaching an end game here where it is good that people are questioning the capitalist system, but at the same time, we thus become capitalists exploiting one another. Right? And that requires ideology to be promoted. And so when I'm on the soapbox here, and I'm talking to others about how this user, that person has hypocrisy, they don't want to hear it. And then when you confront them in their DMs, they get scared! Right!? This “Jim Goad” approach is the only way of confrontations.
And they don't answer act because it's questioning their nature. They have their plural pronoun reality inside their head, that they belong to a fan base. And that shows you that they're not thinking individuals, they belong to the Borg. And that's why I think most people are scared and afraid to admit it.
And so ultimately, I am a proponent of the five things we cannot talk about; Race, sexuality, work, violence, and space, …those five things!
Once you talk about any of those issues, the state hates you, and the state is against you. Liberalism is against you. Liberalism is cancer by the way, and any intersectional force against liberalism is great with me.
And so I know what I like, I know what the good life is. You can't tell me that I cannot like East Asian culture, and the women, the aesthetics, the art, the philosophy, you can't tell me that because I know what the good life is. And the good life is in America. It isn't the globalized capitalist West and snarky people like the Radical Reviewer who may be saying that we should destroy society and be anti-capitalist. He knows the good life too. He likely has a Japanese wife. Noncompete has a Vietnamese wife! The same two people!
So again, the hypocrisy shows you must move on because we know Eurasian futurism is here.
I’m rational for having a desire against the liberal world.
Originally recorded as audio on May 30, 2022.
Revised as a blog post, here, on September 11th, 2023.
What's your opinion on Asian goth girls? The reason many of us are fleeing to Asian culture is to get away from gritty movies with dark filters, made by sneering rich culture creators in USA. I am a Eurasianist, not in the geopolitical sense, I am neutral on Russia. By Eurasianism I just mean I'm a Westerner into Asian culture. People like us just want a normal life.