Ted Sallis & EGI Notes: 13 Years of Far-Right Journalism
Automated Race Realist Research & Neurosis
Does anybody know who “Ted Sallis” is? No, I’m not talking about Man-Thing or his human character, “Dr. Theodore Sallis,” I’m talking about a neurotic blogger who still, to this day, blogs daily on a page called “egi notes.”
Since 2009, it was a Blogspot page. Sometime in November 2022, it was deleted for an unknown reason. Possibly because Blogspot flagged it for “hate speech,” or maybe Sallis himself decided to discontinue the blog. He has since moved all the data over to a WordPress domain and continues to write there.
To give a rundown on what this “Ted Sallis” guy is all about, he is an avid writer who has a deep interest in the far-right. Not exactly the far-right as a whole, but the subculture around it, which he calls “Der Movement.” And more specifically, Sallis loves talking about race, white people, white interests, Francis Parker Yockey, and Italians. Often, he writes about his obsession with the niche, avant-garde “white nationalist” magazine, Counter-Currents. And the reason why I put “white nationalism” in quotation marks, is that it is often disputed what exactly is white nationalism, other than branding by its editor, who Sallis passionately hates, Greg Johnson.
I was once a fan of Counter-Currents. I remember first reading the magazine back in 2012 and was a daily reader. Of course, things don’t last forever, and the website has rather become a close clique of Greg Johnson’s friends, or Gen-Xers who mourn about “the good old days” of the Neo-nazi subculture, neofolk aesthetics, race as transgressive shock jock art, Ayn Rand libertarianism, and the insistence that rapture day is coming through a “metapolitical” culture war. So yes, by Marxist standards, Counter-Currents is some kind of Trotskyist cult based around specifically saving “the white race.” Greg Johnson accepts other far-right movements and aesthetics but shuns and ignores issues that have nothing to do with white racial interests. That is to say, Johnson only cares about race and protecting both a culture and subculture around white people. So technically speaking, Counter-Currents is not exactly a far-right blog, but an apologist platform for whatever the “white” subculture is according to Johnson. For that definition, white means “an admixture European person” and an identity politics around it. This seems to be the main gripe Sallis has about Johnson and his cult.
At one point in time, Sallis praised Johnson and even wrote for Counter-Currents. Somewhere during 2017, Sallis became spiteful against Johnson, and every day since then, Sallis “hate reads” Counter-Currents, and writes daily reports about his hatred on his public blog, egi notes. In short, Sallis has been an obsessive harsh critic of Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents ever since this petty drama. He’s a super fan and a super hater. Again, it's hard to imagine that since 2009, and up to November 2022, for 13 years, (yes, 13 years and ongoing), Ted Sallis spends most of his time hating on specific issues on white people, Counter-Currents, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, and other forgotten names and wingnuts, calling them in his insult of "Der Movement."
It’s funny the first time and then becomes all too common the second. Nothing is ever good for Sallis. His dedication is so strong, that his decade-old daily commentary has an epic novel length of 3,295 articles!! What is even the word count for that??
For 13 years, Ted Sallis has criticized every name imaginable related to the far-right or of scientific race studies. Because to him, the subculture around “white nationalism” was always wonky and crazy. And the main reason why the eginotes project is important in my view, is because it is a historical account of what happened in the alt-right from 2013 to 2022. Like in Dennis Cooper’s The Sluts, you have to ask, “Did it happen?”
I have to admit, I am starting to read Ted Sallis daily. Some say he is a boomer, others think he’s autistic, and some say he’s “insane.” I believe he’s a talented writer who has a rare and powerful urge to write every day without backing up his archive. This is problematic on many levels. And he doesn’t even have an audience! Sallis writes solely for himself and loves it. That is an amazing characteristic to have. Most people think it’s absurd to write every day without an audience. Sallis, however, writes with an imaginary audience in mind. He has the urge to write anyway. This type of neurosis is what all writers should have.
It feels good knowing that he will produce something new every day, knowing there is fresh news every day. But yet, no one asked for it. It’s powerful that whenever I check out “eginotes.wordpress.com,” I’m sure I’m going to get an automated, juicy, hate commentary on what Sallis does not like about Counter-Currents today. Honestly, I thought for a second that Sallis was a robot.
What I also love about Sallis is that he tags every single article he writes. And yes, that’s 3,295 plus articles he has tagged, with a shit ton of tags on the front page. I remember during a time he tagged me as, “pilleater,” and every so often, my internet name would come up in his articles like a boogeyman that haunts him. It’s like Sallis was always there in my posting career online, and with assistance, he can describe every moment I saw. I don’t even have to write how retarded Johnson’s white nationalist cult is, because he does it for me!
For example, Sallis was able to record some of my early interactions in meeting white nationalists in person and going to secret far-right parties, as far back as January 19th, 2017. He even links to an obsolete Tumblr page I started before AsianAryanism.com! (That original website is gone too). And Sallis even quotes me further, (as I once said) “…I am not so sure if I am a fool. I think it makes me a bigger fool going to WN events with an Asian Girlfriend (I did it three times).” Wow! Sallis verified my existence back in 2017 as a celebrity! He even cites me as recent as of November 23rd, 2022. In his article on “Amren 2022,” he talks about a certain “Pilleater tape,” or, a leaked conversation, podcast, or prank I recorded with Greg Johnson to advocate my pamphlet at the time, Queer Culture.
In a way, I wrote Queer Culture for people like Ted Sallis, who could not see past any of this “human biodiversity” bullshit or any serious far-right cause, because all of it is about the subculture and the interest of aesthetics to be transgressive. Johnson hangs with fucking weird punk types, and when I was bantered and insulted by them, Johnson reached out to me and wanted to shut me up about it. His grift was about to be exposed. And I honestly wanted to talk about homosexuality in white nationalism, but because Johnson is gay, I was met with blackmail and shame. It goes to show that Greg Johnson could be labeled as a “queer” himself, along with Sallis, who is neurotic about me to prove a point that his Der Movement is just as queer too. Nonetheless, it’s powerful that Sallis is strongly invested in an internet subculture that means nothing to most people. I would call Sallis a true “man of digital letters.” Sallis is a queer like Johnson. And the sad truth of it all is that both Sallis and Counter-Currents can be toxic as hell!
Even further, Sallis shows his active neuroticism on Gab.com. He has written over 12.9k “Gabs” and continues to write without an audience. And guess what? He only has 53 followers! Sallis is writing a novel, but is also a disappearing act.
On February 6th, 2023, he wrote this:
As a public service announcement to younger right-wing White men, I will now list the three biggest mistakes of my life (in no particular order):
1. Choice of career. If I had chosen something more lucrative, I could have been retired by now, instead of dealing with retarded bullshit daily.
2. Wasting so much time in Der Movement, Inc. instead of doing my own thing much earlier.
3, Getting married. Truth be told, in all of my life, I have never personally known one single man who seemed happily married. Not a single one. What does that tell you?
It's too late for me; my life is slipping away in the sands of time.
Save yourself.
You can't say you haven't been warned.
Cringe? Boomer wisdom? Or completely silly self-harm about himself? I don’t know. At least Sallis admits that his interest in subculture was a waste of time. And honestly, I would like to know why he hates his wife, while ironically trying to advocate the future for “right-wing white men.” Somebody has to make white children, right? And here, he hates getting married? Maybe Sallis is realizing that maybe, after all, he hates white women and white people to begin with.
On a positive side note, Sallis also seems to be obsessed with Gene Wolfe, like myself. I made a YouTube video on The Book of The New Sun four years ago on December 13th, 2018. Sallis wrote about Gene Wolfe as far back as 2015, and I’m curious if my 2018 video about Wolfe sparked his interest again.
And yes, he also has a theory that the far-right is full of “pedophiles” who are into “Asian women.” Hmm. Sounds kind of similar to my work. Did I influence him in some way? I think so.
So why bring up Sallis right now?
Ted Sallis represents what a writer is. I’m not going to label the “writer” as an ideological statement with a mission, but rather, I am speaking about the activity, the hobby, or the meaning of being a legit writer by title. It’s not about being a modernist author or pretentious celebrity with something to say, but it is solely the action of writing, or producing written documents, works, novels, art, or anything that can be transcribed as data. It takes both mental and physical effort to learn how to write in the English language and to learn how to type on a keyboard. Not everyone can do this. And not everyone is literate in the English language and can read (and for that matter, even pleasure read) a written document.
Every article Sallis writes is something we can learn from. Every article is about Sallis and something about the online far-right. Specifically not the far-right as a whole, but a careless and insignificant niche that makes up a queer subcultural space of letters. Sallis is such a niche writer, he creates his terms and his world and then records every experience, where time stands still. Every digital letter is significant. It would be useful if Sallis could publish an entire book or .pdf file on every article he has written, for the last 13 years, into a single volume. How many words is that? And does Sallis even care what he wrote, say, 8 years ago? This is what makes him truly amazing.
I’m interested in him because he keeps writing about me, but also because his obsession with Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents is like an epic poem that’s bound to explode into something else. Possibly, a grand epic novel? He’s not a “madman” or “insane.” He writes daily and could care less about his production ethos. I could do the same thing, as I previously argued about data production and anti-content as an artistic statement. It makes me think about what letters are in the digital world.
Finally, Sallis doesn’t even care about the art direction of his blog. It’s just a blank white canvas with words. And the About page? Nothing on it. Like he doesn’t even care. He just wants to feed his neurosis and continue producing without meaning. Having a neurosis-like that is a good thing. Sallis gives in to his urges like a chain smoker. His work inspires me to do the same daily routine of producing data without reasoning. And I love it.
…While I could write more about his character, it’s best if you check out his blog yourself.
Been reading this guy sporadically since 2021- interesting fellow to say the least. Was just reading his (((Cofnas))) critique the other day lol
Been reading this guy sporadically since 2021- interesting fellow to say the least. Was just reading his (((Cofnas))) critique the other day lol