Why do I write, and what are all these articles about?
Michel Onfray once said that “there is no philosophy without self-psychoanalysis.” Philosophy is defined as “the pursuit of wisdom,” or “lovers of wisdom.” And the word “philos” can be roughly translated as “friends.” It is about the fondness and bond that two human beings have for each other when they sit down, listen to each other, and talk about issues greater them themselves. It is closely related to the “political,” or that of “affairs.” Who gets what, when, and how? When we talk to someone, we create an intimate bond, and the further we get when we dive into deeper subjects, we open up a love for the world, and for each other.
Because we no longer go to the Agora as a mandatory activity, we developed writing as the art of composing text for others to read. It’s not that I’m writing “content” for an audience or some greater purpose of “value.” No. I write because I am pursuing the psychoanalytical. What is the interaction between the conscious and the unconscious, and how does it influence our lives? What fears do we repress? What are we really trying to say? And when we think we are honest with ourselves, we go into denial about the truth. The true pursuit of wisdom begins with the psychoanalytical, and how we understand our repressed desires by exposing them to the written word.
When we take into account that desire motivates us, we also contrast both virtue and ethics. Virtue is a behavior that presents the highest moral standards we have as humans, and ethics are the principles that govern a person’s behavior; or virtue. We contemplate ethics in philosophy because we decide what is good or evil, and how we can put our lives into practice. We aim to be virtuous, and the concept of a “good life” is about putting virtue into ethics, and vice versa. Ethics is about putting virtue into practice, and virtue is about those standards we accept as good.
Therefore, desire is about putting virtue into ethics.
The priority is not about race, biology, diversity, culture, subculture, economics, work, sexuality, violence, space, communism, nationalism, capitalism, socialism, or even philosophy or politics, as contradictory as this sounds. The highest priority is desire, and everything else mentioned stems from it. Because desire is about the virtue, ethics, and wishes we have upon the world that we want to make into a moral reality.
Desire is a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. It is related to love, where we have an intense gentle feeling of fondness and liking. It’s a feeling of great interest and pleasure in someone or something. If we want or wish for something, we also have a burning fondness for it. Even if it has a level of perverted sadism, it’s a wish based upon a desire. Our desires need the foundation of love in order to be realized.
We walk this Earth without ever realizing our desires. Before we confront the errors of the world, we first must address our pursuit for truth. What we know is true, is found within our own innate desires we are either conscious or unconscious about. It’s not about surveys, data charts, numbers, or political happenings. Truth is in accordance with our feelings, and what we ultimately want is to pursue our desires and turn them into reality. As we create intimate bonds with one another, we pursue wisdom, the truth, and the love for desire.
Everything wrong in this life has to do with the forces that try and suppress our desires from becoming actualized. A criticism of the state is not welcome because they don’t want to hear someone shaming their desires as evil. Yet it is necessary to criticize because we have to remove the ideological weeds to clean our gardens. We write because it is a pursuit of the truth, and therefore, a pursuit of desire, our highest priority.
Often I get attacked by the illiterate because they think I’m a “white nationalist,” a “Marxist,” a “fetishizer,” a “racist,” and everything that excludes me as an enemy of the American state. There are sincere individuals who like to self-identify themselves as “white nationalist,” “Marxist,” “racist” and even sexual deviants. This in part has to do with subculture, a byproduct of capitalism, and the current state of identity politics we live under. If anyone can be anything, they can live up to the words that are fabricated and constructed. I bring this up because none of these subcultural interests are my priorities.
The highest priority of my written work is desire. I write about, argue for, think about, and contemplate desire. There is no hidden agenda. The only purpose is to uncover the unconscious and to project it back against a world in denial about itself. I write because I have a neurotic urge to do so, knowing well that I could die any day. What I write is for people to read and learn from. There are writers who take irrelevant subjects and try to write and connect them to wild and crazy subjects of their desires. It’s a rhizomatic thing, and anything is possible. What is wrong, however, is the desire hiding behind the rhetoric, when the desire should rather be out in the open.
I am open about everything. Writing provides me with this outlet to grow, learn, and understand myself. Writing is not a trade to provide a commercial newsletter another 2,000-word spew of English language nonsense. I may write and speak in English, but I am not defined as a tool for others. Writing is about logic. It’s a way to organize thoughts and to learn from the details. Writing can provide an argument, a thesis, and a conclusion.
Yes, writing can also be an art. I do creative writing myself. The way the English language can be bent and crafty like in Finnegans Wake perplexes me (which is a good thing). We may use English for our own benefit as an artist, like text on a canvas. It can be used to tell stories, explain math riddles, detail rulebooks, and whatever the printed language can do. It requires reading on our behalf, and most people don’t even know how to read.
As a word of advice, if you want to write, do it now. Write about anything. It might not be about the desires you are interested in, and could be a draft based upon a thought that has been lingering with you for more than a decade. Write a series of eclectic topics that cannot define you. Writing just requires you to do one thing; write.
I write because it’s better than drawing, acting, filming, composing music, or skateboarding. Writing IS the superior art form above everything else, and the public doesn’t understand. Becoming literate requires reading, speaking, and writing itself. Not everyone can do this, and that is why writing is currently frowned upon as an obsolete medium.
…Writing is the only thing we have in the arts.
My highest priority is to reveal the desires we have kept hidden from everyone else. It’s not about “saving the white race,” “ending capitalism,” or “saving the whales from extinction.” These are the priorities of those who are lost in a subcultural bubble of markets they are ruled by. It’s rather about understanding the top of the political pyramid and seeing through the rhetoric that they throw just to get across a simpleton message of wearing a special party hat as a policy. It’s a false endgame to belong to a subculture that keeps them pacified. They might as well put a bumper sticker on the back of their car that reads “Keep Tahoe Blue.” I blame Christian self-guilt, managerialism, and liberalism for this condescending behavior centered around one’s own artificial agenda and self-hatred that continues to repress and withhold.
Desire is at the top of that political pyramid, and everything else is rhetoric that hides from that ultimate reality. I write because I want to talk to people again, fall in love, and pursue the philos that will create a better world. But first, it requires self-psychoanalysis above all else, and that means we have to learn how to write to find that out.
There is no doubt that there is an emerging, open sexuality in the American public. More than ever, people are proud to be “gay,” to be “bisexual,” and to be “trans.” Glittering images of “the gaze” invade our senses every day. Graffiti is an unconscious art form projecting the sexual truths we are denied.
Some have said that pornography is meant to socially control us, to pacify us into submission, and to always demand more from us. Rather, our sexuality is the key to understanding our desires. They say “sex sells,” but do we ever question our sex and sexuality? Do we even get the sex we are promised through these images? And when we look for a lover, we carefully examine our desires, and discriminate towards “preference.”
Sexuality motivates us to do everything, and it’s the world to us. Sexuality is a manifestation of desire and we should acknowledge it’s power in economic production and the arts.
However, our sexuality is becoming so open, that it cannot be contained. We design everything by what we gaze at, male or female. And having children is a natural byproduct of realizing our desires. We are witnessing incredible chaos and confusion at the same time as we are told by the state that certain sexualities are okay, but those desires that build things, are ironically considered an enemy.
With the so-called “multicultural” society that liberalism offers us, we are lost in a sea of irony, never committed to the sincerity of what we want. One thing we can agree upon is the desire for the cartoon figure, an embodiment of fantasy that we prefer over a reality that continues to lie and demolish. People naturally want a superstructure that offers security, comfort, and escapism, even at the expense when everything breaks down. “The good life” we want is in front of us, but we are too scared to be open about it. We can only rely on a sexuality that can help our confidence, and create an identity politic around it.
Identity politics is a natural outcome of distorted subcultures in a society that has no culture. The unconscious truth remains that we want an idol, a muse, a lover, that can help us realize a better world. We don’t want to settle down for the mediocre; we aim for the highest in our developed fantasies. We end up writing about this muse.
The goal, however, is to satisfy our sexuality, thus satisfying our desires. Therefore, it is only natural that we end up becoming open about our sexuality, just like when we become open about our desires. This sexuality is beyond what was once considered “normal,” and it’s demanding much more sophistication than what the state can handle.
The highest priority is our interest in an “anime realist” society with an “Asian” superstructure, where everything we have now can peacefully co-exist under it, by traditional order. The denial of such a society denies desire and the truth.
I write “Asian” as a code for culture and not of race. Race is a spiritual phenomenon, that people create out of their divisions. I believe new races are being constructed against the whim of liberal orders, and these new identity politics are ignored out of denial.
All my articles have the same underlying theme and pursuit of desire. There is a recurring theme of disillusionment with the liberal world, and the realization that we are ruled by natural laws. While it may not be evident at first, all of my work has a self-psychoanalysis diagnosis to it. People still go into denial and will do anything to hide the fact that the id can have its way.
The illiterate and agitated hate what I do because it undercovers something that was repressed. The reader is on the couch being interrogated. If my writing stands for anything, it’s getting to the bottom of the patient who will change his mind in the next decade after he realizes he is lost in the present mirror maze of parasocial relationships and virtual reality.
The only remedy I can offer is my written work.
…The next article you should read is “What is Anti-Liberalism?” Please click on this link to read it.
Self-psychoanalysis is self-worship, the rune symbolizing desire is the need rune, it is a pictographic representation of a stick and flint rubbing together to create a spark ᚾ .