The Scam and Pseudointellectual Nature of "Meta Right," "Metamodernism," and "Foundationalism."
Why they prey upon both post-alt-right and critical theory fans
The subject of “Critical Theory” has been pinnacle to understanding Western Marxism, late 20th century philosophy, and what is considered trendy in creative writing markets. It has been assumed that “the alternative right” began as a pet project from Richard Spencer (as the “evil Huffington Post”) to incorporate his influences from Paul Gottfried and the works of Alain de Benoist (especially from Telos journal). Now called “the alt right” as a subculture rather than a web magazine is peculiar, in that it’s original focus was to use Trotskyism to push an intersectionality of self-proclaimed “right wing” causes against the mainstream Republican establishment and as well to depart from paleoconservatism.
Past Trotskyists, like Irving Kristol and James Burnham, suddenly became conservative and attempted to use their Trotskyist strategies to make the Republican establishment accept values of egalitarianism accepted in a liberal democratic capitalist framework. They were successful. And today, what is known as the “Dissident Right” is not a variant of John Derbyshire’s paleoconservatism use of the term, but a farfetched intersectionality of what’s left of right-leaning subcultures in a liberal framework. What is “dissident” is only allowed to be so for liberals critiquing one another.
To follow these breadcrumbs back to the original source is a hard task. Under modernity, only “culture” matters according to the whims of the fleeting supply and demand market. Profit is in command, and exploitation of the people is the only method to reap it. Friedrich Nietzsche was once celebrated as a philosopher that tried to revive the spirit of civilization, but now is used as a reason to hate the public, the common people, and to justify incredible disdain against those who are not elite like the intellectual. This Malthusian hostility isn’t new, and the elites have always hated everyday people because of their cultural difference. Trotskyism argued that only the first world was of value and that everyone else was “problematic,” “racist,” and not fit for the Platonic “guardian” class of gold. Often the right-wing believes that it can’t be the left, but the truth is that the American right has been compromised to advocate liberalism, and open parties of “white nationalism,” “fascism,” or “race realism” all play a part in the antinatalist game of degrowth and surrender to the liberal elite that constantly bicker on about an impending “culture war.”
By having the most enlightened and informed semantics and rhetoric on ambiguous intellectual topics that can’t be sincere, every possible word and ideological thought is questioned in the academic class and “open to debate.” This is American liberalism, as it fears commitment to sincerity while advocating a sense of eclectic irony and shaming anti-liberal opponents. Artists want one thing today; and that is to be understood on an intellectual level. People who write original philosophy, theory, and art criticism are targeted by the liberal managerial class as possible farms for profit. “If only this blogger can say and sell this thing, then he will get popularized and paid to do so!”
To cash in on the anti-liberal anger, liberals have dressed themselves in academic and ivory tower language to conceal themselves as original art movements, when in fact they are out for free content creators for their pyramid schemes of capital. Such groups include Kashif Vikaas’ “Meta Right,” Brett Cooper’s “Metamodernism,” and Charles Haywood’s “Foundationalism.” All play with Republican anger and fuse it together with intersectional liberalism and ambiguity as if all of it belongs to a new and highly eclectic “third” position. Other agents like Jay Dyer or Justin Murphy also play into this religious to right-leaning anger and reinvent the terms to mean intellectual hipsterism. The huge player in this Silicon Valley Republic game of “dark intellectualism” influence is Palladium Magazine. While Palladium Magazine is quite aware of these agents I have mentioned, the purpose of this tentacle web is to instill Trotskyism and to continue the Malthusian state against the common people. Their influence is one of many.
A great example of this hostile ideology is found within the Vikaas blog, “” Writers like Lukas Eidolon use “theory fiction” to construct a word salad of Christian esoterica mixed with overpopulation paranoia. Adam James Davis talks about why esoteric Hinduism is good without context to any political interest. Justin Carmien will write about “authenticity” while tying it into comic book superheroes. The tiny farm Vikaas has is about pleasing big-tech trends that orbit the Republican club of Elon Musk. A previous project known as “The Warden Post” was also about pandering to nationalist interest in race and tradition while pretending it’s critical theory.
The same orbit revolves back into Brett Cooper and his whitewashed project of “Metamodernism.” The made-up cartoon character “Hanzi Freinacht” is suppose to be a a satire of a European intellect that hipsters love without any context of the thoughts he writes. Meanwhile Cooper celebrates the work of Albert Borgmann as being the true voice of a “post-postmodernity.” Borgmann is a Christian, and his discussions on transhumanism and AI is loved by a managerial elite that can argue for a perverted future with robot Christianity. This showboat and pretentious nature of being “meta” stems back to David Foster Wallace to shun “the right kind of white people” that don’t see how “the wrongs” can be used as useful idiots. It’s a discussion about Eurocentric blindness and what the Malthusian elite know to trick and confuse those trying to understand the truth.
We start to understand Charles Haywood’s “Foundationalism” exactly as the same elite club (and cult) as NXIVM. NXIVM bewildered the white collar class with scam life-coaching and esoteric reading of self-help. This, like “Foundationalism,” would supply esoteric textbooks from Ernst Jünger, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Carl Schmitt, and many other contemporary buzzwords in the conservative and liberal sphere to win over ambiguous “critical thinkers” not committed to any cause (but an ironic right-leaning one, of course!). With 700 members, their rhetoric attracted movie stars and children of rich elites. But in the end, the purpose was to idolized it’s founder and give him access to any woman he wants or any institutional access he demands. The current elite work exactly the same way! “Think tanks” are not just used as psychological operations to influence an alien country, but as well use their own workers as Manchurian candidates, where no one questions the institution and outcomes of the operation. The biggest idiot is the member in the cult and plays games and initiations to stay in his place. Freemasonary works the same way, and esoterica is used constantly to doubt and vent possible candidates.
What is delusional is the oligarch control and influence of power. Like a religious sect, there is a common belief that if you join the club, you can do whatever you want. Rather, this is just how elites operate on a daily basis. Algorithms are made at a switch of a button, agents are paid 80k a year to make YouTube channels on politics with a secret product placement, and the internet is compromised as a data zoo for social control and consumer survey. There is no “culture war,” nor there ever was. This is about the confines of capitalism and how Trotskyism thinks about a “permanent revolution.”
I have done a video on "Metamordernism" before, and as well a video on the “Meta Right.” Both can be seen as many projects of failed start-ups trying to influence the power of the Bay Area elite that hates everyone. Coming across “The Foundationalist Manifesto” irks me the same way I see Greg Johnson’s Counter-Currents or the RePlatform “Astral Ball,” as these parties or events don’t help anyone, but mock and jeer at humanity. Their agents gaslight you that you are supposedly “envious” or “jealous” that you are not at their party and that this is like anything else that is normal (and liberal). Any secret party or club is meant to conceal truth against people because there was already elite animosity against what is normal.
The online only Compact magazine also flirted with so-called “Marxism” and “Christianity” to once again bewilder the white collar class and edgy fan base that hates whats going on, but alas, engineered by the elites! It’s editor, Geoff Shullenberger, is an agent meant to curate what could be said and declared about the hip Bay Area tech topics of “René Girard” or “Wyndham Lewis.” This is the creation of a “compatible right,” or “synthetic right,” meant in the same direction as a both a compatible and synthetic left. The purpose is to make sure both the elite and the people remain liberal and continue the global capitalist project. This is no different than what goes on at Bohemian Grove at the plan to increase pleasure for the elites while increasing pain for everyone else.
The secret elite create an entire subculture of semantics and delusions to make sure their fans don’t break out from the program. They create an issue around “doxxing” people, as if the Anti-fascist Action is evil and working with George Soros (and no surprise there, considering the opposing elite already knew about this). Things become that of a gay bathhouse where everything must remained concealed and hidden for your own good for the cause of liberalism. They say there is a “culture war” and the answer is to consume, produce, and follow more “dissident” politics of assumed anti-liberalism causing a love for liberalism in return. Now it’s considered a crime if you reveal the face of the oligarch in power, because supposedly, you are no different from Judas Iscariot, and now you are a “persona non grata” for “betraying” what is supposedly “good for society!” The Antifa at least had the power to call out names and faces for the good of liberalism, even though liberalism now sees them as a threat to their own purpose!
The recent death of Aaron Bushnell is mocked by the elites as justified. They will say anything that he was a poor Reddit-tier consumer, a suicide commando killing himself for “the wrong people,” or that he was doing it for attention (as they say we need attention to sell a product). The Bushnell disinformation machine is there to displace any concern about the state of white America, the state of Israel, and the capitalist culture we have now. The ugly face of the Malthusian Nietzschean comes out to disown Bushnell as a death worth mocking. This means that only certain deaths matter and that its ok to celebrate certain ones! This is what the compatible right is about, or more general, the attitude of liberalism and it’s hatred for humanity.
The pseudointellectual nature of theory fiction and eclectic politics can only woo over the consumer’s desires. This means that everyone must remain isolated and fractured in their own world of “personal growth” and delusion. They bring up “mental heath” and ridicule sincere advocates of anti-liberal pranking and confrontation. Capitalism only lifts you up when you give them something in return. Everyone is in a parasocial relationship on “social media” and everyone is a potential transaction. “Alt-lit” and self-published books (monopolized by Jeff Bezos) are there to reach out to the misanthropic elite in return for thirty pieces of silver. The compromised “Dimes Square” and ironic play of worshiping race realism and fascist culture into hipsterdom is a project by this elite. There is a new class of micro managers that platforms what is said and what it negates, under disguised that the opposition is crazy, paranoid, and a “doxer.” These managers also pretend they too are one with their fan base. They come in, start talking to other managers (“internet celebrities”), point fingers at the enemies, and disappear without a trace. This is the ongoing and casual game of psychological warfare.
Gabriel Rockhill’s new upcoming book, “The Intellectual World War: Class Struggle in Theory,” is about this elite pandering and how this criticism is dubbed as kooky “conspiracy theory.” In a world outside of what is “right wing,” it began with the communist project (or the “left” as they call it), and it has now influenced every facet of the globalized world. Western Marxism has always been the paradigm in the arts, and to break from it requires courage and sincerity.
The new truth isn’t about what's happening in the political landscape, but who is being used and for what end to achieve a purpose. Anti-liberalism is the resistance, and yet it is compromised to make sure it does not break down the economic reality we live under. The scam of psudeointellectual blogging comes from profit motives. Nonsense theory fiction is produced to attract and woo over certain demands in the liberal system. It’s a continuation of Trotskyism and within a trapped semantics to make sure there is no skepticism. What is politically “right” is a subculture illusion. And to break out of that binary paradigm means to question and confront all organizations associated with the Malthusian agenda.
Chances are, you are working for someone without even knowing it for free. You are phished and ordered to create a result, believing it has something to do with who you really are. The choices you make are compromised.
The worse thing of all is being preyed upon because you have original and creative meditations and essays worth capitalizing on. It serves something else, and that’s why these pseudointellectual organizations exists.
Another excellent article, I sometimes wonder what shenanigans these people will try to do next.