Weeb Nationalism
What are we to make of white couples who refuse to assimilate to Eurasianism?
“LARPing,” or “Live-Action-Role-Playing,” has become a recent phenomenon among white Americans. The upper-middle class is chasing after the elite aristocratic dream, with extreme nativity they can never reach such a level. The truth is that the middle class, with its envy and dreams, is a decadent, containment zone for the elite to stay far away from.
I would argue and say many white millennials of the upper middle class, and in the urban sphere, are by default, into hardcore punk, the avant-garde arts, and to some degree, have flirted with Antifa and/or had sex with a non-white person for “experience.” Ironically, the white upper class is excessively educated and stuck at either a corporate or academic job to reinforce cosmopolitan values. It would make sense that the class below them, or “the wrong kind of whites,” are there clean up their shit after the party.
That leaves us to question what this janitor class of wrong whites like to LARP as.
What I mean by LAPRing is not exactly what Larry Niven envisions in Dream Park would be like, but people acting out social roles that don’t accord with reality, but with cartoon projection and emulation. All LARPers are soft escapist. Therefore, a “weeb” (or “wapanese”) is a term for a young white person who believes he is “Japanese” or a living “anime” character. I put “Japanese” and “anime” in quotation marks because this is not the true definition of the terms, but a superficial one crafted by white people to mock outsiders of their culture. Sometimes, if a white person has an interest in Chinese or Korean culture, they too are dubbed “weeb,” assuming they are acting Japanese. Of course, this is unfair, but at the same time, it represents whites trying to divide “acting Asian” as a lifestyle choice.
The word “Japananimation” predated “anime” in the Western market. But “anime” is casually used to sound authentic to its original meaning. Authenticity thus becomes important here. Yet unfortunately, the word “Japananimation” in the 1990s meant cyberpunk, sci-fi, and bloody pulp cartoons, unrelated to actual existing and traditional Japanese culture and people. The word “anime” itself, has been displaced into a consumer zeitgeist. What is a “weeb” means being a pervert for Japanese porn, and existed in the 2000s to 2010s. Here, we have to understand the discipline of “orientalism,” and the criticism against this Japan-centric consumerism semantic.
The most famous critic of "orientalism was Edward Said (1935-2003). Said was arguing against Judeo-Christian culture taking control of Palestine. There is a level of crypto-antisemitism within his work, as he is against Zionism in the state of Israel. But if we were to understand Said’s Orientalism by definition, we, the host group, can never have an absolute understanding of the other side. Foreigners tend to speculate what exactly is “The Other,” or the side that isn’t them, and vice versa. When Americans try and make “anime” attempts of their own, we get crass production, like Avatar: The Last Airbender, RWBY, and Teen Titans. We have a “simulacra” of anime and not the authentic thing, as written by Jean Baudrillard in Simulacra and Simulation. All LARPers are. therefore, “simulacrums” of what they desire. Desire leads them to how they want to act, and how they want the world to perceive them.
My Japanese neighbors once told me about the nature of white people. To paraphrase what she said, “They are like bulls in a China shop. They have pointy noses, hunch all the time, and leave a mess where ever they go. Watch them eat Japanese food and look how hard they try to emulate us!” Then I thought to myself, that the Japanese will only criticize white people when no one is looking at them. And then I thought, “Do white people want to become Japanese?”
If you ever attend a bumfuck community college course, observe the Japanese 101 classroom and the students that partake in it. And it’s usually one of the most popular classes on campus! The class is full of colorful dyed hair, cosplaying LARPers, by true definition, of all kinds! And it’s crazy they are all trying to learn the basics of hiragana.
Now compare that to the Chinese 101 class at the same community college. You don’t get this same subculture, but instead, you get dedicated students trying to learn the language.
Odd isn’t it?
Why is it, that Japanese 101 so popular then? Possibly because that Japan is a “G7” nation, thus making them “the good Asians” against everyone else. But it also boils down to consumer capitalism, and the popularity of anime that infiltrates the white person’s mind. I believe the alt-right only criticizes anime on this point, calling it “Chinese Cartoons,” and “degenerate,” because of its association with global capitalism. Or even the conspiracy that it’s made by aliens against white people, and therefore, it is globalist mind control to keep “the white working class” sedated. Meanwhile, the manosphere “PUA Gamers” would argue that weebs should physically go outside and get laid.
No one seems to trust any white person in anime! Not even by white nationalists!
There is no cultural room on the alt-right for someone to like anime, as it is “unnatural” for whites to consume it. However, they say only the “premium anime” (as Jason Reza Jorjani would argue) can be observed, and cherished by Western culture, something like the works of Yukio Mishima. Sounds hypocritical, yes?
However, there is no denying the aesthetic and cultural influence of anime upon the whole Gen-X and millennial generation of white Americans. The medium cannot be thrown away that fast. What about the arguments that anime is “traditional,” or that it offers a better life than what is happening in America? What are we to do with all these LARPers and anime aficionados?
I would argue that they should all convert to weeb nationalism. A type of “nationalism” where whites can be whites while existing in a hegemonic Asian country.
Imagine if the whole world was ruled by China, and the last enclaves of white people existed within Shanghai and Beijing. While the majority is Chinese, the white enclaves speak Chinese as their second language, but keep English and their Stuff White People Like hobbies to themselves. They, no matter what will be under the constant influence of an Asian parent culture, thus forcing them to assimilate to a future Eurasian culture. It’s not so much they are advocating white nationalism in an alien country, or acting like an alien managerial class against the people, but that they are preparing to assimilate towards a Eurasian society.
And that means eventually having Eurasian children.
For now, the whites that exist in Japan are acting like “second-class Jews,” where the stereotype of diaspora Jewish people will soon become a trait within diaspora whites who left America. That means these nomadic whites will bring with them values of liberalism, concepts of capitalism, and ideas that they can be “independent” in a “high trust society” against its host that doesn’t have these values. All while they refuse to race mix and marry a fellow “weeb” white woman who “also likes anime,” but would never mix with an Asian.
This example can also be a problem in many ways.
Politics online is extremely petty, like arguing over micro-genres of music. Anything we can consume is considered a “lifestyle” choice under liberalism. Even “white nationalism” can be a for-profit business for Red Ice Radio, making all the false promises they are starting “the revolution,” when in reality, it’s living for both Henry and Lana. Who’s the stupid one here?
America has an interesting political philosophy that it foists upon all of its G7 slaves; “do whatever you can to exploit the weak, and make your dream a reality.” This American philosophy, or “profits in command,” should never get in the way of any serious political movement.
Have you ever noticed that you are an edible “consumer” reading alt-right websites? You are on a phishing list, whether you like it or not. Therefore, LARPers, as their name states, are all consumers. “Nationalism,” or any political ideology, will give them more “freedom,” if you consider subculture as a meaningful identity politic. Nationalism, in context, will give weebs an exclusive collective of like-minded people, which you now see happening on Discord, and its philosophy to create consumer jails of non-praxis.
The “ethnostate” ideology, believe it or not, is getting that internet forum world and transforming their perversions into an IRL reality. That little perversion, whether that may be “Gay Furry Communism,” “Asexual Goth Board Gamers,” “Tranny Sci-Fi Readers,” or “The African-American Dead Simpsons society,” the belief in “ethnostates” will make their private clubs a working reality! This is why nationalism is a significant study in the coming decades. Technology will improve upon people’s liberty, but at the cost that weebs are just another label, and not a sincere voice, kind of like putty that is molded at will.
Some weebs will think nationalism is “racist.” But realize, there are hardly any black, Hispanic, or non-white weebs out there. The term “weeb” only applies to ironic, deracinated white Americans. So the term is about themselves, and the politics of discrimination they see fit. If there was a non-white as a “weeb,” he or she would be that token niche celebrity for preening purposes. Weebs are “white,” so as long as they want to be.
If weebs would realize this capitalist reality, they would gather collectively towards white nationalism instead. But it is not that easy for them to do, as they are already victims of oriental consumerism. There is a large faction of weebs that like to believe they are something else, other than “white.” Most weebs I have encountered are white people that wish they were Japanese, or that “anime” is real, so as long as you construct a reality towards it, like being a good Christian, or, “what would Jesus do?” It is not uncommon for a white weeb to find himself an Asian lover, which is a natural outcome of Eurasianism against weeb nationalism. I have written about this phenomenon, and have called it, “Asian-Aryanism.” Asian-Aryanism would sound like a contradiction to white nationalism, as it is biracial nationalism for whites and Asians. “Aryanism” refers to the perfect man who wishes to assimilate towards a great truth and good life, that it is still “based,” (and-as-much-as-I-fucking-hate-the-word) “nationalism.”
Weebs therefore have three choices with their lifestyle:
1. LARP as something they are not, i.e. “an Asian or an anime character,” and thus accidentally create Asian-Aryanism (having Eurasian children).
2. LARP as something they are not, and find another white weeb, and propagate white genes, creating a cultural placebo, but again, existing in “weeb nationalism” that will eventually be agents for Eurasian futurism.
3. Realize they are white, and will continue to take pride in their interest in anime, and join “The Anime Right,” a LARPy Neo-Nazism, materialist, and petty white nationalism with no real goal of race mixing (as hypocritical as that sounds).
4. (or did you see this one coming?) …Or dump weeb culture altogether, and call it a “phase” in their life. (Which of course, is the worst action to take, and I am totally against it as a committed Eurasian futurist).
Ironically though, most white weebs will fail to find an Asian or Eurasian lover and will end up naturally with a white significant other. This white lover, however, may also be a weeb, on both sides. Both cannot be aware of their whiteness and thus ironically raise a white weeb family together. This is what I call, “weeb nationalism.”
It’s not about knowing or being aware of what you’re doing, but cultural existence becomes so natural, that they don’t question it. It’s a classic Heideggerian paradox!
I feel like The Anime Right wishes to “awaken” these naïve weebs, and thus marry their white kin, which is bad. Or at least show them the same-old white nationalist rants from Counter-Currents, Radix Journal, American Renaissance, or The Daily Stormer (an ultimate bad taste of nowhere irony, unless they learn that the Chinese are worth your time to create Eurasianism with). There can be weebs who take pride in racial nationalism, and still be some kind of LARPer for Eurasianism. Unfortunately, it’s still LARPing, and there is no action to create Eurasianism. This is my problem with weeb nationalism.
The most effective strategy would be number 2. That is, let white weebs breed and make them believe they are something they are not! This is exactly like white liberals who live in gated communities, living far away from undesirable non-whites, all while voting for Obama. All they want to do, as natural Stuff-White-People-Like citizens, is to irrationally be a “white” person under universal consumerism (as much as I fucking hate every normie who does this).
Ha, …well, this is why The Anime Right is culturally significant. Eventually, you have to point the Elephant in the room, that is, where it’s just white people acting like white people. It’s white people upholding whites-only managerialism, all while loving Japanese culture without ever knowing a Japanese person in their life. Even if they all get mad at you for pointing out how white they are, just remember, they have three choices, “Weeb Nationalism,” “The Anime Right,” or “Asian-Aryanism.”
…Too hard to think about? I think we can all agree that the new episodes of Samurai Jack are a profound influence on the coming Eurasian futurist society! But if you want my true opinion…
Fuck The Anime Right! We have to advocate “Asian Aryanism!”
Eurasian Futurism and anime-realism is the only solution. Tell the white nationalists to go have fun somewhere else. They are not true allies if they don’t advocate the desire and love for The Other.
Revised on July 13th, 2023.
Originally published on March 22nd, 2017.