Why The Hipster White Nationalist "Secret Club" Shit is Cringe and Gay
Why white nationalism as a queer inner-city identity is over
This article was originally published on NeoKrat on November 20th, 2022. You can view the original article at:
It's important that we study people like Alex Jones, not because "he's crazy," but because Jones has made conspiracy theories fashionable. "Secret societies" have become all the rage. From Pizzagate to NXIVM, the case has been made that there are shifty institutions that cater only to VIP members, and God only knows what goes on behind the scenes.
Ever heard of "the casting couch?" It's the same thing. It's been going on forever, since there were Freemasons. Even under the Leninist "vanguard," which sold itself as a fake paternalism wishing to control things in the interest of the people, the same creepy dynamic was in play.
If there is anything wrong with the Dissident Right in 2022, it's the niche and backwards belief that a small group of hobbyists or managers should rule and control the entire market, subculture, ideology, and mannerisms of the political right.
This is not news or limited to the Dissident Right or not limited to the Dissident Right. Clique-ism and Groomerism are modes of human interaction, and should be recognised as such, as should their tendency to disguise themselves as something ostensibly different and altruistic. Since the time of Trotsky, communists in their own ranks have been in-fighting in order to prove who has the cultural power, and who is really fighting "the culture wars." Even such a goofy term as "metapolitics" arises essentially as a semantic flaw for something a lot more primal.
In fact, I think it's safe to say that there is no such thing as a "culture war" or "metapolitics." Whatever they mean, they were developed by an older generation who passed it along within their own ranks for their own ends. Typically, this is of little use to the younger generation.
Younger kids can't get into or be interested in the far-right because of all the loonies who currently present themselves as its "leaders." Even if a younger audience gets in, they follow the fate of all within "discord culture": they are groomed and brainwashed into thinking they are a part of a "movement" and then exploited or worse!
Also absurd is the Diss-Right policy of "no doxxing." This is something only the political right is invested in. On the other side, the Left is proud to "dox" and destroy the opponent's reputation, and willing to expose the inner workings of their institutions and thoughts, just like Alex Jones exposes Bohemian Grove.
Understanding subculture is an important part of understanding laziness and capitalist control. It's why I highly recommend Dick Hebdige's book on subculture, just called "Subculture: The Meaning of Style." More importantly, subculture relies on concepts of "loyalty" and a petty teenage "sense of belonging" that you only find at the high school to college level. Sadly, this won't go away within the practice of adult hobbyisms like the Dissident and Alt-Right.
In the Dissident Right trust is relentlessly sub-divided and channeled. New voices are constantly displaced. Those who consider themselves "white nationalists" are pushed into so-called organizations like "Counter-Currents" (run by Greg Johnson in exactly the same way as "Communist Party USA" is run by Joe Sims) or shady Peter Thiel-esque sponsored "gay gloryholes" run from seedy bars.
Greg Johnson's associate Michael Polignano says I am "a doxxer" and not to be trusted. What subcultural nonsense is that? If someone proclaims something, I have the right to demand evidence. That's true for both journalistic and academic reasons. Also, if a person wishes to reveal something about themselves, they don't control further access to that information endlessly.
For my part, I can show clear evidence for what is being said among a group of people, even when so-called "private discussions" happen where individuals want to sexually assault me or threaten me. That's important information. There was never "consent" on that. If someone attempts to blackmail me and says, "that's private information, and I thought I could trust you with that." Well, who said anything about that? If you send me gross, threatening, or hypocritical shit, all of it will be used against you. This is not some odd, unforgivable quirk; it's universal.
The weapon these opponents fear most is information. The constant paranoia that I'm "not to be trusted," and the implication that a virtue like trust exists only so they can do criminal shit like drugs, sex, racist role-playing, and crime sickens me. It's a straight edge ethos to fight as a martyr. I shall not play their games.
I can confront people and make them look like fools just with what they put out. These subcultural fanatics think they can have "liberal safe spaces," when in reality, they are the institutes of Pizzagate and NXIVM! It's not evil to report that they are hypocritical or stupid; it's universal.
To further make my case, Polignano and his little kid friend known as "the New Right Music Review Guy," mentioned something about Juno synthesizers, which I will not further elaborate on, but which represents the shallow hipsterness and youthful ignorance of a young kid falling into Greg Johnson's tender hands.
More hilarious is that Polignano will do one thing and then say you shouldn't do it, and then top it off by pretending that it is "gay" to become a normie. I call these people the "Cult of the Extroverts." During every single Counter-Currents event they insist "what happened today didn't happen, and don't tell anyone about it!" A little extreme, right?
Another CC hanger-on, Claus Brinker, was even worse. He would gossip about me nonstop to Greg Johnson, and I hadn't even done anything. Now he's not a white nationalist and "takes it all back." He's likely some "gay-ass lawyer" in Washington DC and continues to talk shit and condescend to those who have a slight interest in racial politics and far-right subculture. That's what kind of people you run with at Counter-Currents.
Brinker is the caricature of a hipster "homonationalist" going to Philly rooftop parties in order to "save the white race." I just don't understand why Polignano and that one kid are all for Greg, and then all of a sudden, creating a gang against him. A little ridiculous, because it reveals a semantic of white nationalism that is akin to being "in" and "out" of a cool hipster club, or some such stupid shit. It's essentially the same CC groomer cult, except this time run by Polignano.
I feel bad for Polignano. He was a teenager who blew up because he wanted to prove a point back in 2000 that "race was real," and his gay college professor came to rescue him, so they both bonded over William Pierce and moved to expensive San Francisco to start a fiction movement, only to end up exploiting wignats across the country and sharing their expensive flat as a "Grindr pad." (I'm not making this up, as Greg told Mike to leave the place when he wanted "gay Netflix and chill" in 2013, LMFAO).
I can only report what is evidently true and fully backed up. Even worse is somebody telling you at gunpoint that you need to be in a secret Freemasonic society because they're going to do nasty stuff, or just feel guilty because they can't be honest about themselves. The only real crime Greg Johnson has ever committed was being dishonest about his sexuality and getting things his way with his own cult.
The Counter-Currents Philadelphia scene was haunted by wignat dupes, hipster f**s, TRS friends, pagan hardcore kids, etc., and it all came crashing down because Greg acted like a liberal and assumed "it's just to make us connected."
If Polignano and that one kid still want to be mad at Johnson, that won't solve anything. The proof is that Counter-Currents, like any other broken Communist Party, is dust in the wind. Subcultures are as fleeting as the whims and desires of the capitalist market. Still, that arrogant subculture of being "in" and "out," of "no doxxing," still persists. Try to realise that it's just the liberal oligarch class popping in to say racist stuff, rather like the social elite working off its boarding school homosexuality in a gay bathhouse.
Going back to the Antifa point of view, the reason why we have straight edge stuff is to straighten out that tardy behavior, and just be out-and-out honest.
I'm not afraid to say I believe "race is real" and nationalism can be an important credo. However, those who put "the white race" first tend to be the most stupid people I have ever met.
Also, mentioning somebody's name is not a method of "doxxing," whatever you like to call it. I'm only confronting what someone is evidently responsible for. Polignano and other ex-Counter-Current fiends, have to get over this whole "doxing" subculture. It's a complete farce, and it's something that only a previous generation believed in.
The only punk-rock guys left are Jim Goad, David E. Williams, Robert Taylor and Harold Arnold McNeil. Talking to them, you get an entire lecture on the far-right, anti-liberal subculture. No wonder people like Chuck Paulunik, Jack Donovan, Chris Korda, Margret Cho, Doug Stanhope, and Lydia Lunch look up to these people!
I'm sure if I met Polignano in person, we would be cool with one another. I can tell him that Matt Forney is not evil.
Enough with dissing the weird "school-shooter" kid who did nothing wrong. I never doxxed anyone. This is a semantic farce used against me. I don't belong in your cult, nor do I play fair with "that guy did coke, and you are not allowed to report it."
Ironically, you can trust me. I'm not evil or mad. I'm actually your friend. I'm actually highly influential in the post-Alt-Right, and I know what I'm talking about.
That generation that's hanging onto "muh White race" or Hitlerian shit is cringe.
Furthermore, I am not a lolcow, hipster with aspergers, or have NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). These are all slanderous attacks against me, because I am different. I don't believe any major figure would ever say these things behind my back, but a weasel friend would. Polignano, along with other Greg orbiters, are the worst.
Literally talking with internet autistic people who never leave the house and who claim they know IRL guys as their close friends is like the girls fighting over Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi is the projected IRL friend that the autist claims is exclusively his.
The best way to sum this up is that it's like the feeling you get when you saw Flipper (1996) in theaters back then in your childhood, and at the end, where the credits roll and the screen turns black, loud obnoxious hood rap music blared out, and all the White boomer families awkwardly walked out, slowly but surely. On the same level as that cringey untimely rap music are the liberal "white nationalist" hipsters who want their underground, cocaine-fueled parties.
I'm here to report on them, and to show everyone else how fucking hypocritical and nefarious they really are to the innocent.
…Will the gaslighting, toxic name calling, lying, and denial ever stop with these bygone Gen-Xers?