Dueling Patriarchs: Two Eurasian Leaders
White men with Asian women Vs. Asian men with White women: ...Who wins?
There are two ways to have Eurasian children. It could be done by WMAF (white male, Asian female), or by AMWF (Asian male, white female). However, who is the best “patriarch,” that is, the father, the leader, and the ideological captain, is often debated. Who’s better at raising successful Eurasian children?
This comes with a bias on both sides of the spectrum, but a slight hatred against white men from their liberal class. Some even argue that the Eurasian children of WMAF are “hapa incels,” while the children of "AMWF are “beautiful mixed Aryans.” If this logic continues, it assumes that white men should not get with Asian women, while Asian men proclaim an ambiguous “Asian” identity by mixing with whites.
Enforcing white men not to get with Asian women is like already enforcing the liberal race-blind values of the whites-only managerial class looking out for their POC pets they don’t have to mingle with. And yet, this purpose hides under the veneer of right-leaning and anti-liberal theories of Darwinism, Human Bio-diversity, Dysgenic belief in, "all WMAF produce hapa incels, but not AMWF," and the further continuation of the anti-white hysteria already advocated by the liberal system. This works for the white nationalist too, as he sees all WMAF couples and Eurasians as "unnatural," and thus not worth advocating to save “the white race.” Downplaying WMAF over AMWF is rather a clever and snarky liberal attack against white men. This also downplays the WMAF subculture. Soon enough, the WMAF and Eurasian children are "queers" hated by society, and by their innate nature, they are bad.
If this logic continues, the transgressive AxA subculture is the only way to save WMAF and their Eurasian children, as the world assumes they are punk rockers and dysfunctional avant-garde artists at birth.
There's a lot of AMWF already, and this was a natural outcome of WMAF beforehand. Liberals, white-hating non-whites, and self-hating whites try to stir up trouble by assuming that the Asian patriarch is superior (and more “alpha”) at the expense of their hatred for white ones, and they use white nationalists as a useful idiot to change the rhetoric on all sides. The Eurasian community will always be divided by both liberal and ethnonationalist forces over this “dueling patriarch” conundrum.
The liberal opposition hates whites, as they believe in an “Asian race,” and hate race mixing among WMAF, but not from AMWF! And they want to continue race-blind egalitarianism, white managerialism, and ethnonationalism, all at the same time, just to stop WMAF and Eurasian children from having both a peculiar culture, and a subculture, against them.
How can we overcome this incredible error?
First, this conundrum is called “biracialism,” where only two races can exist in the equation of one. This “tug of war” complex creates a binary and refuses to acknowledge the third position. The child is either a malaise mix of “white,” or “Asian,” even if it’s focused on being Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. “White” seems to fit into the “shitlib” category of being race-blind and universal without a concrete identity. However, that changes, on the part that the child has a concrete identity on the other side. A malaise of “Asian” is simply not possible, as this would only result in an Eurasian identity in denial. If no mother tongue is learned, obviously English is the first language, giving way and importance to a Eurasian identity.
Second, even if the child does learn Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, this still implies that those groups are becoming accepting of a “Half” identity. This means that those “Half-Chinese,” “Half-Japanese,” or “Half-Korean” identities want a Eurasianism where only one of those groups is leading. It is never assumed that these half groups, like in the dystopian French novel, “The Camp of The Saints,” would ever resist and side with a malaise of violent egalitarian envy. As Alain de Benoist wrote in his essay, “The Ideology of Sameness,” the concept of a “false plurality” still results in egalitarian sameness. A mixed Asian fighting for “Black Lives Matter” is just as confused, in that both parties want “reparations,” and rely on separate identities (ironically) that want the same thing.
The normal person who doesn’t read or write confuses this action as an authentic identity, and thus the so-called “Asian male” becomes a stooge for white liberals. It is still rooted in the “anti-white” rhetoric of hating anything to do with being “white” or “male,” as it only applies to this category, but not the whitewashed Asian male who is supposedly a better lead because he advocates racial egalitarianism and anti-white (but advocated by whites) liberalism. This is the ultimate problem of the worship of AMWF over WMAF, as it’s rooted in envy, spite, and anger against the spirit of the Western man, and importantly, the artist, who made Eurasianism possible.
And finally, AMWF is not bad at all, and rather, a reflection of the biracialism between whites and Asians. If more WMAFs arise, so does AMWF. And if more AMWFs arise, (as much as liberals want it to happen) you will still get more WMAFs too. White liberals refuse to acknowledge both desires held by the parties. They refuse to acknowledge the obvious “Asiansexuality” in the white male, (especially as a sensitive artist and intellectual) and the controversial “whitesexuality” held by the Asian female. Both the white male and Asian female become verboten figures in the liberal establishment, as both embrace surface-level desires against egalitarian wishful thinking while existing in the liberal establishment, calling their desires just a “preference,” as well as ignoring the subculture that made it possible.
If anything, more AMWF means more WMAF, and vice versa. The endgame is the children that they rear. This is where liberals and conservative Asians get upset over WMAF, due to their concerns over the white male as being a race-denying and universal liberal (as ironic as that sounds, advocated by the same complainers), and the Asian female who is supposedly after him for social status. They never take into account that the white guy is an intellectual and anti-liberal, and can go far beyond the binary process of “equal or unequal” treatment. What matters is his intellect and sincere foundations of fighting for the truth against opposition. As for the Asian woman, they certainly never take into account the obnoxious and decadent nature of the current state of the American white woman, who uses her “biological dependency” to reach the highest in the so-called “sexual value marketplace,” trying to obtain the fictional “Chad” with money. They assume the subpar white guy is “Chad” and plays an unfair advantage. Again, there is a direct hatred against the weak “beta male” who has done nothing wrong and is simply pursuing “the good life” by environment and circumstance.
The enemies of WMAF seem to be “ricecels,” (or Asian incels), white liberals, Asian stooges who follow white liberals, Asian conservatives that are ironically accelerating Eurasianism anyway, and the extreme Korean American sect of DPRK sympathy, in particular, Nodutdol and it's Communist rhetoric that it’s based around social justice and racial egalitarians against whites. Keep in mind that all these groups are based around envy, spite, jealousy, and wish to control the power of Eurasianism, as opposed to stopping it. So whatever path they may take of being anti-white, the in-fighting only accelerates both the AxA movement and the future Eurasian society (with anime aesthetics) we so desire. Racial nationalists only follow the logic of libertarianism, and thus the liberal world order. If “good fences make good neighbors,” they must also respect, and give birth to, the Eurasian space, subculture, and identity politics.
The “WMAF vs. AMWF” shouldn’t be an issue. Both create Eurasian children and whatever fathers they may have, the children certainly are going to associate with a peculiar subculture around Eurasianism instead of avoiding it. It’s not possible to be anti-Eurasian.
In addition, the opponents never seem to take into account a homosexual WMAM couple. And do they ever argue who is the “top” and who is the “bottom” in this interracial, non-reproducing relationship? Has it ever occurred that homosexual couple admires male aesthetics and arousal in ways that the cis-gendered mind can not compute? While WMAM can’t have children, they both know what they like and know the biracial beauty of the Eurasian identity.
An individual, regardless of race, should find common ground with people around a certain subculture, and ultimately, a big letter “C” Culture, that will soon become all too common. Eurasiaism is a threat to both white identity politics and Asian identity politics, as both these parties can’t see it as one of the same, and they are only fighting against the inevitable. The opponents have paranoid dreams of putting trust in the other side, that they will eventually backstab and declare one of the binaries as the truth. Again, they simply do not understand the consequences of Eurasianism, and why much of what Émile Durkheim wrote is indeed, correct.
We will see only one leader in the future. And that, is ultimately, a Eurasian one.